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Jan 22, 2014
May 03, 2015
Jan 11, 2008
Feb 10, 2014
Aug 20, 2007
May 19, 2014

Sight Gag: Irony or Synchrony?


Photo Credit: Damon Winter/New York Times, On the Trail, January 19, 2008

Our primary goal with this blog is to talk about the ways in which photojournalism contributes to a vital democratic public culture. Much of the time that means we are focusing on what purport to be more or less serious matters. But as John Stewart and Stephen Colbert often remind us, democracy needs irony, parody, and pure silliness as much as it needs serious contemplation. For our part, we will dedicate our Sunday posts to putting such momens on display in what we call “sight gags,” democracy’s nod to the ironic and/or the carnivalesque. Sometimes we will post pictures we’ve taken, or that have been contributed by others, or that we just happen to stumble across as we navigate our very visual public culture. Sometimes the images will be pure silliness, but sometimes they will point to ironies, poignant and otherwise. And we won’t just be limited to photography, as a robust democratic visual culture consists of much more. We typically will not comment beyond offering an identifying label, leaving the images to “speak” for themselves as much as possible. Of course we invite you to comment … and to send us images that you think capture the carnival of contemporary democratic public culture.


Sight Gag: Irony or Synchrony?


1 Response

  1. This post really reflects a subject that is amazingly strong in what you called the contemporary “democratic” public culture that i think pass from be public to be popular. I take in example the case that i´ve been in contact with, the Venezuelan case and its popular manifestation of the political support, there you can find an interesting melange of a socialist and anti-imperialism discurs mixed with the most ultra-capitalist symbols. The most amazing is how this idea anti-consumism penetrates in the people only if is made-up of nike, superman, dollars icons…i invite you to take a look at the most recent rallies and manifestations pictures and if you look for the details will find this attractive mix almost like an standart representation image…

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