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Oct 17, 2010
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Jan 13, 2008
Jul 12, 2007

"Hearts and Minds" Forty Years Later


The photograph above shows a news story that doesn’t appear to have been told in the national media, notwithstanding a “sobering,” but little noted Pentagon report last week that indicated an active and growing insurgency and an Afghan government with “limited credibility.”

The line of trucks belong to NATO forces in Afghanistan.  The caption for the story tells two different tales.  On the one hand, it notes that the trucks were attacked and set afire “hours after NATO forces killed several insurgents and captured a Taliban sub-commander.”  On the other hand, it also notes that the trucks were burned “after hundreds of people blocked a main road and set them on fire to protest what they said were civilian deaths in Logar Province.” Whether those who set the trucks on fire were part of the “growing insurgency” or simply local Afghani citizens rising up in protest against unnecessary “citizen deaths” is not clear.  And that, of course, is the problem.

It is wholly possible that both tales  are in some measure true, but even still the point has to be that a war fought in the name of capturing the “hearts and minds” of the people of Afghanistan seems slated for failure so long as we continue to kill Afghani citizens in the name of their own freedom and liberation.  The photograph thus functions as an allegory of the frustrations of such an ill-conceived war as perceived from both sides: an intrusive formation of foreign, mobile vehicles stretching as far as the eye can see (to the limits of spatial and temporal infinity) and yet caught in a sea of flames that makes it permanently immobile.  As with the rusted out refuse of previous attempts to colonize Afghanistan, the burned out trucks will no doubt sit in place for many years as visual monuments to the most recent such effort (and failure).

The war in Vietnam was also fought primarily as a battle to capture the “hearts and minds” of a national people presumably at risk of being tyrannized by an oppressive political opposition.   Enacted by turns as a fiasco and a catastrophe, the Vietnam War was by all accounts an abysmal failure.  One might think that we would have learned our lesson—in George Santayana’s terms, “to remember the past” lest we be forced to “repeat it”—but that would seem not to be the case as the current war in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history, is being fought with little more than the same goal in mind. It should come as little surprise that we seem destined to a similar end.

No wonder that the story this photograph shows has received so little attention.

Photo Credit:  Mohammed Obaid Ormur/AP.

Cross-posted at BAGnewsNotes.


"Hearts and Minds" Forty Years Later


4 Responses

  1. Dave McLane says

    As always, a great image and to the point comment. Yet, not deep enough, according to my way of thinking.

    Given the current mindspace, the lesson is, “Try harder!” as it’s based on a foundation that believes that “The Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate me;” Until this founding principle changes, there can only be more and more attempts to help God visit the iniquity upon those who Hate our God-given Freedoms.

  2. Brenda says

    By now, the United States government is seemingly blind to its imperialist strategies to win the hearts, minds, compliance and OIL of so-called “Middle Eastern” countries. You know what? There is very little that a foreign superpower (The US) can do to dictate the governing of other countries (insert current “Middle Eastern” country here). Yet, the United States continues to try. It does not occur to our “rulers” that other countries may not want to emulate us.

  3. Dave McLane says

    Unfortunately, while there is very little the US can do to dictate the governing of other counties, there seems to be little that anybody can do to stop the US from spending more and more borrowed money attempting to do so. I have no idea how this will play out, but suspect that when there’s no longer and economic advantage to lending the US money, change will arrive.

    Meanwhile, images like this don’t get much play as there is a temporary advantage to those who turn out the men, women and machines that continue the fantasy.

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