Mar 09, 2008
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Nov 30, 2015
Mar 04, 2009
Jun 05, 2011
Jul 13, 2014

The Street Collective Shares their Craft



For a limited time, the photography site PhotoWhoa is providing a free download of an e-book they’ve produced on street photography.

Freddy from PhotoWhoa says, “We’ve just spent months creating a free e-book with insights from several extremely talented street/doc/fine art photographers. We entitled it ‘The Street Collective.’

The Street Collective was the result of many hours interviewing top photographers such as Bryan Formhals (of LPV Magazine) and World Press Award winner Laura Pannack about their process and how they achieve
their unique looks. We did this to help our audience learn what it takes to make great street photography.”

You can see the free e-book here and download your own copy here.  The work is highly stylized, which is not to some tastes, but the price is right and there is much to be said for this kind of sharing and networking.   The site offers other freebees here, as well as plenty of pay as you go classes.

You also might want to opt in to their subscriber list.  They don’t sell or share their list, but you would get emails about product recommendations, as that is part of what they do.  Once again, photography needs to keep experimenting with varied business models, and this might be an effective way to get professionals and amateurs working together in win-win arrangement.


The Street Collective Shares their Craft


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