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IAPT Conference on Photography and Theory 2014

Occupy Wall Street Blog 3

The International Association of Photography and Theory announces the call for papers for its 2014 Conference,  which aims to critically investigate the relationship between photography and politics as well as the politics of the medium itself. The Conference will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus from December 5-7 and will feature keynote speakers Walid Raad and John Tagg.

Proposals for 30-minute presentations (20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for discussion) are invited from various disciplines, including: photography, art history and theory, visual sociology, anthropology, museology, philosophy, ethnography, cultural studies, visual and media studies, communications, and fine and graphic arts. These should present an in-depth investigation of the relationship between photography and politics and the politics of the photographic practice historically, philosophically or through specific case studies.

To propose a paper please send a 400-word (excluding references) abstract no later than June 7, 2014 to icpt@photographyandtheory.com. For the purposes of blind refereeing, full name of each author with current affiliation and full contact details (address, email, phone), title of presentation, and a short biographical note (200 words) should be supplied on a separate document. Both documents (abstract and contact details) should be in English.

Credit: David’s Camera Craft



IAPT Conference on Photography and Theory 2014


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