Jan 29, 2011
Jan 29, 2010
Sep 17, 2008
Nov 06, 2013
Apr 22, 2008
Sep 18, 2011

David Levi Strauss on Photography and Belief

This small volume is a thoughtful meditation on how photography presents deep problems, and resources, for thinking about our relationships with images, the world, and each other. Although keenly attuned to the tradition of epistemological and political skepticism in the discourse on photography, that attitude is complicated by another, much more difficult commitment: love.

Highly recommended.

Available at Amazon and David Zwirner Books.


New Book on LIFE Magazine

This magnificent volume is a collaboration of the Princeton University Art Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Yale University Press.

From the Great Depression to the Vietnam War, the vast majority of the photographs printed and consumed in the United States appeared on the pages of illustrated magazines. Offering an in-depth look at the photography featured in Life magazine throughout its weekly run from 1936 to 1972, this volume examines how the magazine’s use of images fundamentally shaped the modern idea of photography in the United States. . . . Drawing on unprecedented access to Life magazine’s picture and paper archives, as well as photographers’ archives, this generously illustrated volume presents previously unpublished materials, such as caption files, contact sheets, and shooting scripts, that shed new light on the collaborative process behind many now-iconic images and photo-essays.

(Full disclosure: one of the entries is by Hariman and Lucaites.)

It’s available from Amazon and Yale UP.


Photography and its Publics (new book)

Photography and Its Publics brings together leading experts and emerging thinkers to consider the special role of photography in shaping how the public is addressed, seen and represented. . . . As they address key themes including the referential and imaginative qualities of photography, the transnational circulation of photographs, online publics, social change, violence, conflict and the ethics of spectatorship, the authors provide new insight into photography’s vital role in defining public life.

This fine collection ranges from Weimar Germany to the war in Syria, from national controversies to transnational networks, and from social movements to social media.

The volume is dedicated to Andrea Noble, who would have been one of the editors but for her untimely death.  An afterword celebrates her sensitive and courageous scholarship.

The prices at Amazon are jacked up when compared with those at Bloomsbury.

(Full disclosure: one of the chapters is by Hariman and Lucaites.)


Photography Theory, in a New Companion Volume

With newly commissioned essays by some of the leading writers on photography today, this companion tackles some of the most pressing questions about photography theory’s direction, relevance, and purpose. (Full disclosure: one of the chapters is by Hariman and Lucaites.) Frankly, it’s a splendid volume. And pricey in the cloth edition, but it also is available at a much lower price for Kindle.

Available at Amazon and Routledge; the table of contents is available at both sites.