Feb 18, 2009
Jul 31, 2007
Dec 08, 2013
Nov 25, 2007
Oct 23, 2007
Oct 19, 2008

Robert Hariman is a professor in the program in rhetoric and public culture, department of communication studies, Northwestern University. His publications include No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy (Chicago, 2007, co-authored with John Louis Lucaites), The Public Image: Photography and Civic Spectatorship (Chicago, 2016, co-authored with John Louis Lucaites), Political Style: The Artistry of Power (Chicago, 1995), and four edited volumes, Popular Trials: Rhetoric, Mass Media, and the Law (1990), Post-Realism: The Rhetorical Turn in International Relations (1996, co-edited with Francis A. Beer), Prudence: Classical Virtue, Postmodern Practice (2003), and Culture, Catastrophe, and Rhetoric: The Texture of Political Action (2015, co-edited with Ralph Cintron), as well as book chapters and journal articles in several disciplines. His work has been recognized by awards for both teaching and scholarship and by numerous invitations to lecture. He also knows how long that lasts.

Robert Hariman’s CV is available at No Caption Needed.

Email: robert.hariman@comcast.net


John Louis Lucaites is provost professor of rhetoric in the department of English and adjunct professor of American studies, Indiana University. He is also a Fellow in Indiana University’s Center for Integrative Photographic Studies. His publications include Crafting Equality: America’s Anglo-African Word (Chicago, 1993, co-authored with Celeste Michelle Condit), Martin Luther King Jr. and Sermonic Power of Public Discourse (Alabama, 1993, co-edited with Carolyn Calloway Thomas), No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy (Chicago, 2007, co-authored with Robert Hariman), The Public Image: Photography and Civic Spectatorship (Chicago, 2016, co-authored with Robert Hariman) Rhetoric, Politics, and Materiality (Peter Lang, 2009, co-edited with Barbara Biesecker), and In/visible War: The Culture of War in Twenty-First-Century America (Rutgers, 2017, co-edited with Jon Simons) as well as numerous book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews. He is also senior editor of the University of Alabama’s book series “Rhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique,” and past editor of the Quarterly Journal of Speech. He serves on numerous other editorial boards. In 2001 he co-hosted national and international conferences on visual rhetoric at the University of Iowa and Indiana University. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on rhetoric and social theory, visuality, and public culture. He is also a contributing editor at Reading the Pictures, a blog dedicated to politics and visual culture.

John Louis Lucaites’ CV is available at No Caption Needed.

Email: lucaites@indiana.edu


about the authors


4 Responses

  1. Metonymic says

    […] Hariman and Lucaites are collecting boots and hands as examples of visual metonyms of political action. Here are a couple more examples: […]

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